For those who cannot empty their bladder the normal way, intermittent catheterization is the therapy of choice to maintain urethral health. Complications are common but when hydrophilic single-use catheters entered the market, the risks of UTI dropped significantly. Low friction seemed to be key to maintain urethral health. Today, there is only one hydrophilic catheter that is scientifically proven to reduce complications also after long-term use.
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Toutes les gammes LoFric® sont des sondes hydrophiles à usage unique pour sondage urinaire intermittent.
Classe I stérile, organisme notifié N°2797. Fabricant : Wellspect HealthCare, Mölndal Suède.
Remboursement Sec. Soc. 60% ou 100% pour le patient en A.L.D.
Lire attentivement le mode d’emploi avant utilisation.